Tuesday February 12, the boys went back to a normal school schedule in the morning. We are using The Ron Paul Curriculum which I would highly recommend to anyone who does or wants to home school. I believe it really has the goal to help set children up to be self-educators. The one thing we have found is that our kids need to learn how to take notes. It is a skill that I often take for granted and am realizing how important it is to learn. Kassy, to help the kids develop that skill, watched the weeks lessons and put together fill in the blank notes for the kids. Today was the first day and the report we got back from kiddos was that it helped a lot and made the lessons more fun.
The piglets are doing well. Penelope is starting to get those mothering instincts down. Kassy and I watched her as she used her nose to clear the area before laying down. Penelope also went down on her front legs first giving any remaining piglets time to move before laying her back end down. I am very happy to see the progress.
I have decided to try option 2 for our milk cow to be bred. I believe she will enjoy spending time with the beef herd and getting more grazing time during the day after I have milked. I will bring her back up in the evening and leave Poppy with the other cows which should keep him happy and distracted. I plan to try this option on Thursday or Friday. I hope it goes well.
Well, till next time. Get in the Dirt & Get Growing!!!
Kyle – a bearded farmer