Happy TAX day!!! NOT! The dreaded day is upon us and I hope that all of you are on top of it this year and have it done. If you are like me, you are scrambling to get those last receipts accounted for and hoping to get it done before midnight tonight. There is some good news, the tax deadline for 2022 is Monday April 18th! So there is a little breathing room. Of course things are crazy here on the farm so I filled an extension to give me a cushion of time. I am very fortunate that I have found a great guy to do my taxes and he was booked up during this crunch time when I called so he freely said that he will file the extension. If you are local, his business is Neyman Bookkeeping and can be reached at (423) 479-8465.
Now all the bad news is out of the way, it is a beautiful spring day. We are working on projects that will allow us to move the animals back out to pasture. We normally have the animals back on pasture by now but we had extra hay and wanted to give the grass extra time to green up before the rotational grazing starts. One project we finished was rerouting our water line across the new dirt road. Ultimately the water line will follow the road so we will always know where it is and now that we buried it, we don’t have to worry about running it over with vehicles. The other project started was moving our outdoor brooder from the north side of our garage to the south side in order to use the sun’s warmth to our advantage. We have ducks that are ready to go outside. They are currently in our indoor brooder a.k.a. a tote with a heat lamp. We are quickly entering into the busy crazy time of farming/homesteading where everything happens at once and you have to go 100 miles an hour. Prayers will be much appreciated.
Our discussion topics our still on the table:
Greenhouse – long time needed but can’t wait any longer / what design and material
Pigs – remove from stock or find way to feed them
Goats – add for dairy/meat
Milk Cow – add for dairy to help reduce feed cost for pigs
Sheep – add as grass based meat source in place of pigs
When I thought, “My foot slips,” Your steadfast love, O LORD, helped me up. When the cares of my heart are many, Your consolations cheer my soul. – Psalm 94:18–19